The Man Behind the Saw Blade
Hi! I’m TJ, the woodworker and founder behind Wood & Grain Winnipeg! Thanks for checking out my website!
I started working with wood about 4 years ago and for the most part am self taught with what I make. Wood & Grain was never a planned business, I was just making what I liked to make, and friends and family really liked my creations. I made all sorts of items the first year, but by my second holiday season I definitely found my style. I started reaching out to local kitchen supply stores and was happy when they started carrying my products. I thought “okay I might be onto to something here”. Two years later and Wood & Grain products are available in 5 Canadian provinces. -
I haven’t always worked in trades either! Prior to this journey I spent 15 years working in the Winnipeg hospitality industry. Starting off as a dishwasher when I was 14 and finishing my stretch as a General Manager of a trendy downtown restaurant.
I’ve always been a very creative person, coloring in the lines is not something I would say I am good at. Working with my hands, vibrant colors, textures, patterns - all things I enjoy! So I think in the end I made a good choice by switching careers and starting Wood & Grain. -
Growing up good healthy food was always a must in our house, learning how to cook was a requirement at a young age. Now in my 30s, I can say I live to eat, not eat to live!
We always had that classic bamboo cutting board(you know the one) and when not in use it’s home was under the sink. My goal with Wood & Grain is to create products that are so lovely they make a permanent home on your counter, or hanging on your wall.Thank you again for stopping by and Happy Cookin’ !!

All of our products are handcrafted in Winnipeg Manitoba. We have one of the most diverse selections of wood species from all over the world, whether it be European Olive Wood, South American Padauk, or locally grown Ash, we’ve got you covered. To top it off, for every product purchased a tree is planted here in Canada.

We are here to help you create your dream project.